• We are proud of the work we do for our clients every day. At Cornell Dolan, we consider our clients to reflect the heart and soul of our firm.

    Here are some of our notable results.

    U.S. ex. rel. Grenadyor v. Ukrainian Village Pharmacy, 772 F.3d 1102 (7th Cir. 2014)

    If a government contractor violates a government requirement, does that mean the contractor committed fraud? Different circuits disagreed on how to solve that question. And for years, the Seventh Circuit followed a different path from most of the country. We took the relator's case because we thought it would be a good opportunity to invite the Seventh Circuit to make new law in the False Claims Act.


    Timothy Cornell argued the case before Judge Richard Posner, one of the most esteemed judges on the bench, but also with a reputation for being harsh on lawyers before him. But Timothy and Judge Posner enjoyed an engaging dialogue, after which he was berated the other side.


    Judge Posner declined the chance to rule on materiality. But the case is now oft-cited for its analysis of the False Claims Act, succeeded in rescuing Mr. Grenadyor's claims of retaliation for being a whistleblower.

    Hays v. Ellrich, et al., 471 Mass. 592 (Mass. 2015)

    In a seminal case before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Patrick Dolan persuaded the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court that a person who solicited an investor to purchase a security can be considered a "seller" for the purposes of the Massachusetts Uniform Securities Act if the sale would help his future success. The Court also agreed that the statute of limitations is not triggered when an unsophisticated investor represented by a Registered Investment Advisor reads a prospectus that discloses certain risks of an investment.

    Hayjo, SA de C.V. v. SpongeJet, Inc., 2015 NH 235 (2015)

    When the father of actress Salma Hayek was fired from a lucrative contract with SpongeJet, which makes an industrial cleaning agent, he called on Cornell Dolan for help.


    Cornell Dolan sued in federal court in New Hampshire, and argued that SpongeJet was obligated to act under a duty of good faith and fair dealing. Until then, New Hampshire had not recognized this duty under its common law.


    But at summary judgment, Judge Joseph DiClerico agreed with Cornell Dolan and found that such a duty does exist, and that SpongeJet was liable to Hayek.


    Miller, et al. v. HFN, Inc., et al., 14-1337 (D.Mass.)(Gorton, J.)

    We represented a group of former minority shareholders in a software company who alleged that they had been improperly deprived of the value of their shares when the company was sold. After a Magistrate Judge in the U.S. District Court issued a ruling dismissing the majority of our client's claims, we successfully objected to the District Court, succeeding in overturning the most significant parts of the Magistrate Judge's decision, and thereafter negotiated a settlement for our clients. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-9y18uRGWSub1lkeWY2SlpCSTA/view?usp=sharing

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